Monday, January 27, 2014

plate of bacon

Hello friends and family!!!!!!
This past week has been amazing!! It snowed like crazy though and th weather has been insanely cold. Thermal underwear works miracles my friends! This week the high will be 15 degrees. wahoo.
Anywho. This week has been full of miracles! We went and taught a lessactive woman and we had an amazing lesson with her. The spirit was so powerful. We found out she didn't feel worthy to attend church because she didn't pay her tithing. We testified that God wanted her in His church. The spirit was strong, and I ended up promising her amazing blessings if she would come. The spirit confirmed my words to her. It was a REAAALLY neat experience.
Anywho. I'm working hard and doing my best! Luckily the members have been feeding us pretty well lately. I sure love food. I'm planning on gaining weight. No luck yet, but the zebroski's and their plate of bacon every visit might do me in! haha. So this week I wanted to share a really neat experience about the importance of CONVERSION. Elder Oaks gave a talk that says we must become converted to the gospel and not only have a testimony of it! One of our investigators has been making sooo much progress, and is becoming sooo converted to the gospel. She is LIVING the ward mission plan and trying to achieve all of the goals. Conversion can be defined by our desire to to good. When we become converted, we lose the desire to do evil, and we become cleansed through our every day choices. Conversion begins in the seeds of today's actions. I bear my witness that Jesus Christ lives, God lives and loves us SO perfectly. As our Father reaches out to His lost children, He needs His kids already in His arms to STAY there. I bear my witness that this is possible, and will bless our lives more than anything. I love you guys. soooo much. THank you for helping me be converted, I love this mission! I love this Work! I love Heavenly Father :)
with love, Elder Johnson

Monday, January 20, 2014

always follow your promptings

Hello there!!!! WOW do I have lots to say this week!
WE HAD A BAPTISM!!!!! Kaylee and younger child was baptized last friday :) The baptism was a little haywire, and she was off kicking bouncy balls around in the cultural hall while the program was about to be started......BUT the spirit was super strong. and It was a wonderful and happy time :) She received the Holy Ghost yesterday, and I got to participate in it. While laying my hands on her head, and the words from the Bishop were "Receive the Holy Ghost" I literally felt her receive it. It was such a wonderful experience. She said she's so happy now. Keep Kaylee in your prayers! :)
Anywho. This week I had a wonderful experience that I wanted to share with you guys. Last sunday during sacrament meeting, I heard a talk about how to 'Spiritually progress' It really hit me, and brought a lot of answers to my questions. I also heard a daunting story of Pres. Monson, when he was a bishop. And when he postponed a prompting, he regretted it so much. I definitely didn't want to do that. I promised I'd follow whatever the spirit told me to no matter what! Later in church. I met a man who was visiting the church from out of state. He was a recent convert and just a wonderful guy. His name was Joseph. I didn't think much of our little chat, but something about him made me keep thinking of him. Almost all of our appointments cancelled that day,  but we just had to put our faith first. While at church, I felt prompted to ask Joseph to come and teach with us. He was walking away, and I thought " I can just ask him later" but I forced myself to get moving and I asked. He was a little timid, but agreed. A few minutes later he thanked me for testing his faith. We left church and tried to arrange a lesson he could take us to. Unfortunately nothing worked out. He came to our house, and we went to see a less-active family. Amazingly, they let us in. and now I know why. Joseph bore a beautiful testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and His restored church. It touched this family more than anything I have ever seen. He was so humble that the spirit immediately softened the hearts of this family. Sister F was so touched by his testimony. She had converted to be a baptist after being baptized as an LDS member. She said she was so on the fence of where to go. We testified that this church really is true. And exhorted her to pray and ask God herself. Joseph taught once more of how he came to know these things were true. He said he prayed, and he knew that only goodness and cleanliness came from coming to church. It was so powerful, the spirit confirmed to me that this church really IS true. Heavenly Father literally guided us to their house, and allowed us to be instruments in His hands. And all because of a tiny whisper that I needed to ask Jospeh to come and teach. Anyways, I Love you guys. THank you for your love and support. and ALWAYS FOLLOW PROMPTINGS!!!! :) With love,
Elder Johnson

Monday, January 13, 2014

called as a district leader

Hello everyone!!!!
This week sure has been crazy and exciting! We have a baptism coming up on friday! Hopefully everything works out smoothly! I've been doing well! I just got called to be a district leader here. And no, I didn't get transferred! So I'm staying here for another 6 weeks for sure! Life has been good and dandy for the most part. It's been all over the place, really good days, really bad. I really love this ward here! They feel like my family. It's going to be tough if I do end up getting transferred somewhere else.
This week flew by!!!! Last week it was -1 degrees. It was ridiculous. Luckily everything's warming up a lot more. This week I've gained such a testimony that Heavenly Father answers our prayers! It might not always be the way we expect, but I know for a fact that he always does! Prayer is such a wonderful tool that I've never really thought could help me as much as I have been using it. Prayer is such a great and marvelous tool. There's a quote that says "We need to stop saying prayers and start PRAYING." Which I love! When we pray earnestly, Heavenly Father always will hear us, and answer us. He's truly helped me over come so many of my weakness. Which are a lloooooot. But every single time I've asked for His help, He's blessed me. ANyways, I thought you guys would enjoy that lesson I've learned this week! I love all of you, thank you for your love, and for your prayers! And write me letters! I haven't gotten a letter since november! Bye now!
Love, Elder Johnson

Monday, January 6, 2014

following promptings

Hello my friends and family!!!!
The weather here is getting RIDICULOUS. tomorrow's going to be a high of 0 degrees. Don't freak out at me, I know I know, I'll wear a jacket haha.
Wow, I wish I could give you my eyes just for 3 seconds so you could understand how powerful the spirit of the Lord has been this past week. Miracles have been happening, and you know what that means!! TRANSFERS.
Considering how good this week has been, I have a good feeling I'm most likely going to be transferred. We have a baptism scheduled in 2 weeks as well.. But oh well, I'm working hard and I know the work will be successful no matter where I am, or who I'm with.
Anyways, today I wanted to share an amazing experience I had. While walking around we bumped into this guy, we didn't pay much interest and continued walking. I felt the spirit prompt us to turn around. We did and started speaking with him once more. He was so prepared to recieve the Gospel. His heart was so ready to hear the wonderful message of the Restoration. He asked us to teach him, he said he wanted God to be happy with him, and he said he wanted to be happy like us. So he asked us if he could come to church, and also to bring his family with him. It was too good to be true. I could see his heart changing as the spirit began to testify that this is where he needed to be. After we left I felt prompted to get his phone number, but I was dumb and kept walking because I didn't want to bother him. I felt disappointment weigh my heart, knowing I disobeyed Heavenly Father's voice. I quickly repented and RAN back to his house to get his phone number, knowing that Heavenly Father rarely gives second chances in missionary work. He let us in, and we got his phone number. We met his wife and his 2 beautiful children. After we left I knew I had done what He wanted me to do. I have a testimony of following promptings. ALWAYS. Even if they are a little scary, following promptings will only bring us happiness and joy. Anyways, Thank you for being such a blessing in my life. Thank you for your love, support, and encouragement, it really does make all the difference. With love,
Elder Johnson

Sunday, January 5, 2014

She offered to say the closing prayer, and thanked Heavenly Father for sending us to her.

Hello my friends and family!

I'm doing pretty swell here in pittsburgh! 
In 2 weeks I'll be out for 6 months!!! Can you believe it?? Time surely flies! I feel like I left a month ago! Anyways, brothers and sisters I sure do have a testimony that Heavenly Father answers prayers! We visited a less-active woman named Maria last week, and only miracles were there. She had fallen down and wanted to go to the emergency room, but instead she ended up just sitting on her couch for a few hours. We knocked on the door and came in. We gave her a blessing and taught a quick lesson. She offered to say the closing prayer, and thanked Heavenly Father for sending us to her.

 Heavenly Father really does answer all of our prayers. No matter how small, or how great, always. follow. promptings. I know this church is true. I know Jesus Christ is the head of this perfect church. I know only goodness can come from following the Spirit. I know we're never alone, no matter how alone we may feel. I love you guys so much! Thank you for the Christmas gifts, and for your letters. Your words always lift my spirits! :) 
With love, 
Elder Johnson