Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I don't think I've ever appreciated the Priesthood more.

Well hi there! Sorry, long email. I promise it's worth reading through though :) Bear with me :)

Okay! so craazy story.  Remember Brandon? The first baptism I was a part of?

He actually lived outside of the ward boundaries but was permitted to go to the ward because all of his friends lived in Pitt 3rd ward.

I'm now serving in the McKeesport branch! I am serving where he lives! I totally want to go visit him!!!

Anywho, the Branch here is full of amazing people! The building it beautiful, and I mean the Spirit that is so powerfully present. It's amazing. I could just sit there and get translated or something!

My Companion is likewise amazing. He's probably the happiest person I've ever met in my whole entire life. His name is Elder Austin Klima (pronounced Klee-ma)   from Canada. He's been out for about 4 and a half months. He's so amazing, I love him so much! We're already great friends!
We get along great, and are excited to push the work forward!

Anywho, this week was really interesting.. We taught our investigator named Dennis and BOY. is he hard to teach. He just could not accept the Book of Mormon at all. He wouldn't even let us open it while in his house!! They sat there the whole time and bashed on how We are so lost and we don't know the full truth... Seriously, but he loves us so much and so does his wife. Which is crazy!

They also said that his wife never ever ever lets any religious messengers of any sort come into her home. She has zero tolerance for any missionaries or teachers from other churches. She said that we were the only missionaries that could come in because she felt something about us. They both kept saying they feel the Holy Ghost around us so powerfully when the missionaries came around. They said again and again "You two are so full of the Spirit!"

I kept telling them "By their fruits ye shall know them"
I don't think they were ready to understand. But they were right about one thing, the Spirit truly was there when we testified of truth. These two are very devout in studying the bible. They both know it better than me times 2! They preached to us of all sorts of weird stuff.

The Holy Ghost whispered to me, that the Priesthood is truly one of the Huge identifying features of the Lord's church. When the couple taught, I felt nothing but a whiff of air. But when Elder Klima taught, he taught by the Spirit, with authority from God, and  humble heart.
The Holy Ghost filled my heart EVERY time we spoke, and diminished when they did. The Priesthood authorizes us to teach with convincing power and authority. I don't think I've ever appreciated the Priesthood more.

I testify that Christ lives, His Priesthood is real, His church has been Restored. I testify that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, and that Thomas S Monson is the rightful successor of that calling. I testify that miracles happen, according to our Faith in Christ.
In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Elder Johnson

Please write me here at our new apartment! :)

1617 Delaware Ave. 
 White Oak, PA 15131

Saturday, August 16, 2014

I'm being transferred out of Berwick!

Why hello there you beautiful and peculiar people!

You guessed it! I'm being transferred out of Berwick! I've been here for 6 months! And my trainee Elder Redd is Training!
Out of the 15 Trainers called, he is the YOUNGEST in length of serving.
He's totally going to be a General Authority or something! haha. Speaking of that! The President's wife called and asked that I play a violin duet with their son Andrew Johnson.

In front of a General Authority! ....yayyy.
pray for me please! I haven't practiced in MONTHS. Sorry mom. We're just so busy!

Anywho, my time here in Berwick as been beautiful, even sacred. I treasure the pure revelations given as He's allowed me to bless others with those.
I know the Lord will be with me no matter where I go.

I testify to you, that Jesus is the Living Christ. I know God loves us Perfectly.
I testify the Holy Ghost will never lead us astray. I testify we are on course when we heed the words of the Holy Scriptures and the counsel of our Modern day Prophets.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.  

Elder Johnson

Pics!   My district.  People I like!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I felt the spirit so strong as i participated in that ordinance. It was beautiful.

Wow, this week was EVERYWHERE.
We had AMAZING lessons set up and team ups too! and then BOOM. Everything fell through!
But oh well....We'll just do it again this week!

The Lord has truly been teaching me SOOOOOOO MUCH. I've literally been able to bless so many people here by sharing my testimony with them. The Lord has allowed me to minister to many of the missionaries in the District that I watch over. I've have loved serving here in Berwick. It has seriously been beautiful and amazing. The people we teach are wonderful!

So transfers are next week, and I feel like I'm most likely going to be transferred. ITS ABOUT TIME!
Just kidding. But the next time you hear from me I will know where I'll be!

Elder Redd is pretty much the greatest companion ever. He's so great.
Anywho. Seth was confirmed yesterday! It was so cool. I felt the spirit so strong as I participated in that ordinance. It was beautiful.  I testify to you that this Gospel is real. That Prayer are heard, and answered.

I asked the Lord to send us where He needed us, and to our surprise we met a couple who were members of the church. The Woman indicated that she had served in Berwick over 20 years ago and really wanted to visit the Berwick Chapel. We just HAPPENED to be there the same exact time they were visiting! Coincidence?
 NO WAY!  I love you all!  
Elder Johnson :)