Monday, November 11, 2013

put your trust in the Lord

Hello friends and family! Wow it's getting ridiculously cold here! And yes mom, i'll dress warm. Today I wanted to share a quick story of the small miracles we've seen as we've strived to serve the Lord with FAITH! So the other day, almost every single appointment we had scheduled cancelled on us. We had no idea what we were going to do, and we didn't want to waste the Lord's time. We decided we needed to have FAITH that everything would work out and that we would be led to those that the Lord had prepared. We went to the home of a former investigator, who blew us off quite a bit... For example, we ran into her and scheduled an appointment for sunday, and when we got there we found out she went to a Steelers game the entire day... Anyways, We stopped by her house having faith that everything would all work out. Carla was very open and very kind. She's just this bubbly personality. We were super excited to teach her, but nothing seemed quite right. We offered to have a prayer and we did. After we opened our eyes her husband had run inside and joined the prayer. (He told us he was a chef, so we totally got a killer good caesar salad.) And we taught Carla and Larry (her husband) Carla ended up leaving for an emergency, and the spirit began to take place. We taught Larry the restoration, the spirit was so strong as he read Joseph Smith's first vision. During the lesson, the TV went quieter, his son was nowhere around to distract, the pets went away. It was just us three, and the Holy Ghost. The second we ended the lesson, I heard the TV his son came downstairs and the room was filled with noise. It just goes to show how much the Lord loves His children, US. He loves Him so much, we wanted this moment to be completely still and perfect, so the spirit could testify to Larry's heart that it was true. I invite all of you, to put your trust in the Lord, if you already do, try taking another baby step of devotion to our loving Heavenly Father. When we make time for our Heavenly Father, He will make MORE time, for us. I promise you, small and simple miracles will become more and more evident in your lives. I love you all, thank you for your love and support. I know this work is true. I know our Heavenly Father lives and loves us.

-Elder Johnson

p.s. April got her call to Korea!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap that is so amazing!!! I'm so flippin excited!! OHHHMYYYGOODDDNEESSSSSSSS!!! The computer was being super slow today, and i was DYING to find out where she was going, and I was on the email thing, trying to click on one of the emails from dad mom or April, AND. IT. WOULDN'T. LOAD. I was goin crazy! But holy cow! KOREA??!?!?!?!?! Totes jeal.
Anywho, I love you April, this is such an amazing and life changing experience, I'm so happy for you :) :) :) proud of youu poop face!!!... i mean SISTER POOP FACE!!

Stay strong. Stay Pure. Stay awake. Stay away. From.....BOYS. Much love.

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